Set your desires in motion by connecting to the heart consciousness - mold your life to suit what you want to experience.
A choice to listen to the chaos your mind creates or the whispers of intuitive wisdom from the heart.
Don’t live a normal life by default, create a states of Bliss where everything is in perfect balance.
Don’t let the brain rule the heart, listen to then follow those intuitive whispers from the heart.
You are more than the identity your brain creates, open up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful experiences there are available in life.
Pursue your dreams unceasingly until you achieve exactly what it is that you imagined.
Tune in to the intuitive messages emanating from your heart. They are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become.
Pursue only important issues, focusing upon what will bring about the desired change.
Start creating a life you desire, bringing your dreams to life, taking what is then turning it around to create what is possible.
You need to design your life to contain the elements necessary to create the life that you want.
Create or attract through focused desire the things you wish for in life.
Tune in to the intuitive messages emanating from your heart; they are the essence of who you are and who you wish to become.
Tune into the intuitive abilities of the heart, they are the essence of all you are and who you wish to become.
The power of the heart is capable of overcoming almost every negativity without effort.
You are more than the identity your brain creates, open up your heart and mind to the infinite wonderful experiences there are available in life.
Limitless opportunities abound, governed only by your focus on achieving them.
Create a life that you truly believe will make you happy.
Learn to Open Your Heart and mind to the infinite wonder that exists for you in life.
The mind is wired by society, the heart is wired by your deepest desires for a blissful life.
There is no limit to the extent of the potential that is open to you.
The most powerful creative state to bring your desires into reality is by bring the conscious and subconscious into unison then keeping your heart and mind in perfect sync.
You are given the potential to excel, whether you do or not is entirely up to you.